Browse by tag mixtape

dfbm #75 - Morning Raga Pt. IV

dfbm #75
Morning Raga Pt. IV

Guitars, banjos, birds, cats and guitars. Lots of. Perfect for listening late at night or in the early morning or maybe not at all, just imagine how good it sounds. This mix features my favorite track from Chuck Johnson's latest, high praised re …
dfbm #74 - Morning Raga Pt. III

dfbm #74
Morning Raga Pt. III

Here is the third part of my series of guitar soli compilations, mixes, program... you name it. Instead of trying to find a new title for each mix I am going to stick with "Morning Raga", so the listener know what to expect – up to tw …
dfbm #72 - Smoke and Strings

dfbm #72
Smoke and Strings

Two hours of smoke and strings. Better open your window afterwards or leave the house! Lots of obscure and already dead folks. Others are very alive, but probably are not so well known either. In times of the internet, nothing is really lost. Many r …
dfbm #71 - Not On Air Tonight

dfbm #71
Not On Air Tonight

Welcome to another dfbm online mix. First, I tried to bring this mix to spotify, even if I don't like the idea, I realized that is how many listen to music. But it didn't work. First, it was not easy to convert my playlist to a spotify playli …
dfbm #70 - June Apple

dfbm #70
June Apple

Welcome back to over an hour of old time jams, banjo pickin' guys and gals and music scratched out of rusty wires. Most stuff is old and from the well known sources like Smithsonian Folkways, Dust-to-Digital, Tompkins Square. Speaking of …
dfbm #69 - Beating the System

dfbm #69
Beating the System

This new program is less revolutionary than the title might suggest, but I guess people like Charles Manson, Doc Corbin Dart from American HC legend the Cruzifucks and Vic Bondi out of Chicagos HC scene caused at least some cracks in the system. …
dfbm #68 - Morning Raga Pt. II

dfbm #68
Morning Raga Pt. II

Vernacular Synth'n'Strings. Here is the second installment of Morning Ragas, which are no real ragas in music theoretical and in Hindu sense. Raga is used here as an adjective of style rather than the definitive suchness of …
dfbm #67 - Morning Raga Pt. I

dfbm #67
Morning Raga Pt. I

Syncopation, Oscillation, Resonation, Modulation, Meditation. Finally a new two hours program of solo guitar and solo synthesizer and bird songs. It's been a while that I made a "mixtape". So much great music came out lately and so mu …
dfbm #66 ~ When You Are Around

dfbm #66 ~ When You Are Around

Is that Jeremy Earl from psych folk rockers Woods out of Brooklyn on the cover? Most probably not. Maybe his mom and his dad. But who ever these two are, the picture is a great cover for this collection of songs. Old and new, homerecorded folk music …

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