Produced by Rufus Mule, and recorded in stereo direct to 2-track tape at the Skeptic Tank, Oxford.
All music by Andrew Bowsher.
Instruments: Guitar, 12-string guitar, Banjo.
Copyright Skeptic Records 2011.
The Bap is on Skeptic.
Andrew Bowsher's second album - American Primitive soli.
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Andrew Bowsher ~ Porthcawl Primitive

Andrew Bowsher from the UK is another steel string wizard with a more experimental approach. In Porthcawl Primitive he mixes field recordings into his tunes to create a geographic reference point (or just to let you trippin' a bit harder) and tape hiss is a constant on this recording. This fits well with his love for old country blues recordings which are lo-fi artifacts from gone times too. It rumbles and rattles all the way through - so be prepared for some aural confusion. I like that a lot.
There are a bunch of records on his bandcamp. I've chosen this one, because it's maybe his strongest, at least it looks like a complete package and I like the 70ies, Avant-Folk kind of looking cover (does that make sense?)
Rags'n'Ragas, Psych Folk-Fingerpicking-Country-Blues lover should give it a listen.
Like I said, there is a lot to discover.
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