Welcome back to a new two hour mix of solo acoustic guitar and everything on the verge of it. For this edition I try to fulfill the expectations that comes with the term "Raga" in the title. As you can tell, it's not about Hindustani or …
For this new installment of Songs of Wild Nothing, I dug through the internets attic, dusted off some mp3 and polished some gems.
You might know that electronic-music composer Laurie Spiegel has her roots in folk music. She learned how to pl …
Welcome to the next installment of the Morning Raga guitar soli series. Two hours of uninterupted american primitive, fingerstyle guitar and anything related. I dug out some gems by contemporary guitarists and a few that are quite old, but still shin …
Wild Nothing is like an elaborate dream. A lot of wild things happen and then you wake up and there is nothing left. In the worst (or best) case there is an echo that fades away. It's similar with the music: so much music got recorded in the past …
This mix was already made in January when not so much new music came in, so I dove into my library to pull out some releases I haven't listen to for a while.
It starts with a homage to Jack Rose, by Daniel Bachman when he was still performing …
How to glue psych- and raga rock, krautrock, british folk and solo guitar together? Just fill the gaps with artists who operate between those fields. Artists who know how to patch a Korg MS 20 as well as pick tricky patterns on a steel string guitar. …
After some silence, welcome back to two hours of pastoral guitar excursions and cosmique freeform exercises. Old and new guitarists from Italy, Belgium, France, the United Kingdom, Turkey, Japan, Argentina and from the United States.
Some of the …
Back to another two hours program of odd and beautiful tunes. Gentle folk serenades, psychedelic love rituals, odd garage rock and americana.
When I was searching for podcasts to listen while riding the bike, I stumbled upon the Light in the Atti …
Welcome to this new Morning Jam. Expect some guitar magic embedded in full band settings, but also good old solo explorations.
Slowly the fall is creeping in here in the mountains. I think this mix is a nice soundtrack to this time of year. I wou …