Browse by tag American Primitive

Christoph Bruhn - Chandelier

Christoph Bruhn

In between Robbie Basho reissues and rarities, the Grass-Tops-Recordings label from Minneapolis, MN drops one or another fine solo guitar album every now and then. This time it's the second album by Christoph Bruhn, touring partner of the labels …
dfbm #83 - Morning Raga Pt. VIII

dfbm #83
Morning Raga Pt. VIII

Welcome to the next installment of the Morning Raga guitar soli series. Two hours of uninterupted american primitive, fingerstyle guitar and anything related. I dug out some gems by contemporary guitarists and a few that are quite old, but still shin …
Sarah Louise - Ripple (The Avant Ghetto DJ Premium @WFMU Fundraiser 2016)

Sarah Louise
Ripple (The Avant Ghetto DJ Premium @WFMU Fundraiser 2016)

The world’s best freeform radio station, WFMU, is in the midst of their annual fundraiser to keep the boat afloat. During the month of March all listeners are asked to pledge what they can. Every DJ at WFMU has created a one-of-a-kind compilati …
Waswas - Attempting Levitation

Attempting Levitation

Waswas is Alessandro Denti from Monza in Italy. It's always a pleasure to receive contributions of solo guitar music. Denti's music reminds me more on the solo guitar pieces by guitarists like George Cromarty, Scott Witte, Daniel Hecht or Bob …
Jim Ghedi - Sketches of Brunei c​.​ 1978 (Film Soundtrack)

Jim Ghedi
Sketches of Brunei c​.​ 1978 (Film Soundtrack)

Sheffield based guitarist Jim Ghedi composed the soundtrack to the film "Sketches of Brunei" by experimental filmmaker Ian Nesbitt. The film is 27 minute long and consists of silent super 8 home-movie footage from Brunei that got interlaced …
dfbm #81 - Morning Raga Pt. VII

dfbm #81
Morning Raga Pt. VII

This mix was already made in January when not so much new music came in, so I dove into my library to pull out some releases I haven't listen to for a while. It starts with a homage to Jack Rose, by Daniel Bachman when he was still performing …
C Joynes / Nick Jonah Davis - Split Electric

C Joynes / Nick Jonah Davis
Split Electric

For Split Electric, the two U.K. guitarists C Joynes and Nick Jonah Davis routed their guitars through a set of stomp boxes and pedals and into amps, to explore the universe, electricity has to offer. Even if recorded at different times and locations …
Jonathan Nankof - Solo Guitar I

Jonathan Nankof
Solo Guitar I

With Solo Guitar I, Boston, MA based Jonathan Nank released a handful of recordings that appear like a lofi basement picker session - fragmented, full of tape hiss and fuzzy distortion. Don't be fooled by the outsider aura these recordings co …
Jan Mörgenson - Fensch

Jan Mörgenson

Today, Jan Mörgenson from Metz, France sent me an email, written in German, telling me about his upcoming record and it turns out he is originally from Denmark and is playing the steel string guitar in the always-appreciated style of Mr. Fahey …

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