Browse by tag mixtape

dfbm #65 ~ Looking West

dfbm #65 ~ Looking West

Welcome to a new two hours long program. It's a compilation of most the music that I discovered over the last months. Many new artists are included as well as some classics. Most of them fit under the umbrella of John Fahey's coined label &qu …
dfbm #64 ~ Electric Day

dfbm #64 ~ Electric Day

Here is another non acoustic guitar program with some jumps between genres and decades. I have to confess that I was playing A Flock of Seagulls a lot lately. It's a perfect eighties flashback, especially with their videos. All the moves and styl …
dfbm #63 ~ A.W.C Painting His Room

dfbm #63 ~ A.W.C Painting His Room

Welcome to another 2 hours program of old and new music. This time with a bit more diversity! Find a few rarities, like William Tyler singing a country song, and an ambient like country piece by Ferlin Husky that I've found over at Aquarium …
dfbm #62 ~ Play For The Spring

dfbm #62 ~ Play For The Spring

Today is Walpurgis Nacht in Europe. Means people are getting drunk and fall into bonfires and shit like that. I stayed at home and collected two handful of songs and then put them in order, hoping it makes a good listening experience. Be prep …
dfbm #61 – Best of 2013 Part II (Folk Edition)

dfbm #61 – Best of 2013 Part II (Folk Edition)

Here are all the Dying For Bad Music favorites with focus on acoustic guitars and folk roots. American Primitive was a big thing in 2013, you'll find a lot of lists out there which referring to this term and they might list the same stuff as you …
dfbm #61 – Best of 2013 Part I (Non-Folk)

dfbm #61 – Best of 2013 Part I (Non

Here are the DFBM Non-Folk Favorites 2013 (no acoustic guitars!) as an extensive 1,5 hours long program of Psychedelic Space Punk (or whatever). The list is in no particular order - just as it sounded good in the mix. I hope you'll find somethin …
Mixtape #60 - Don't Speak To Me

Mixtape #60
Don't Speak To Me

Here we are with a two hour long program of american primitive, lofi, weird folk tunes. It might work as an Halloween Sountrack too. At least the cover is spooky enought. You'll find some mysterious American Lofi Folk by Norwegian C.Str&o …
Mixtape #58 – Sun Leaving

Mixtape #58 – Sun Leaving

It's still summer, but the sun is leaving slowl this place over the northern hemisphere. Just warms up the corps of the past summer fun days and then freezes everything over night. Brrrr. Gives me a taste of the cumin' winter. No fun! Any …
Mixtape #57 – Small Town Raga

Mixtape #57 – Small Town Raga

Welcome to a new 2 hours program of psychedelic late-night folk, americana related music. New gatherings and old/odd findings stacked to a playlist for your listening pleasure. Leave a comment if the mix is down or if you have any question or to …

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