Browse by tag tape music

MX - Ni Runder Modsols- MX: antologi: MM-MMX

Ni Runder Modsols- MX: antologi: MM-MMX

Genre: Tape Music, Folktronica, Freak Folk Label: Lille Kommune (DK) Awesome, weird and creative music from Denmark. This is kind of an anthology over a period of ten years. It's recorded on (4 track) tape-recorders only. I suppose they used samp …
Some Superfree Stuff VI - The Middle Ones, Skelecopter and The Juliets

Some Superfree Stuff VI
The Middle Ones, Skelecopter and The Juliets

Genre: Indie/Chamber Pop, Lo-Fi, Acoustic, Tape Music Label: self released There are almost huuuundreds of sweet guitar or ukulele playing girls and boys out there doing their thing and making really good stuff (like Laughing Owls or the already men …

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