The Manly Deeds - 2009 - Flockheart EP

The first record release in the band's current format. Recorded live by Chad Heyer. The recording was issued under the band's original name, The Middle East, before the change to The Manly Deeds.

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The Manly Deeds
2009 - Flockheart EP

The Manly Deeds - 2009 - Flockheart EP

posted by dfbm | Write a Comment

Genre: Folk, American Roots
Label: self

I am sitting here with a cup of Turkish coffee and listening to the guys of The Manly Deeds. It's a nice culture clash, because they play american roots music/old time folk. I really like it.
Worth to mention, Jason the Swamp is the Mandoline player. He recently unveiled it in a short interview on this blog.

Go and enjoy it!

Download free at bandcamp


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