all songs written by joplin rice
voices/instruments by joplin rice
recorded/produced/not properly mastered by joplin rice
recorded 28 Dec 2014 - 4 Jan 2015
this album is dedicated to no one.
listen to more of joplin rice's music here:
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Joplin Rice
Low Hum

Bedroom pop by Joplin Rice and released at Practice Records on cassette tape. Doesn't ring a bell? Let me help you. Joplin Rice is a young singer-songwriter who is recording fuzzy indie pop in best elephant six tradition and Practice Records is a division of The Modern Folk Music of America blog who support unheard talents, flying under the radar of the indie industry.
You can buy the cassette for a low price or download the release for an even lower price. Support young talents, because your old heros are going to die soon and then the world becomes quite!
PS: There are a lot more music posts to come, I am just packed with work :(
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