Sudden and Subtle

Sudden and Subtle - Adrift

posted by dfbm | Write a Comment

Genre: Indie Garage Pop
Label: Very Nice Dementia

And yes, another release from DFBM most loved label, Very Nice Dementia from Marshalltown/Iowa. Host of Land of Blood and Sunshine, Brooks Strause, Rebecca Frankenstein and Sudden and Subtle.
Sudden and Subtle are the LOBAS guys and you definitly hear that. They are more pop, than LOBAS psych punk freakouts, but the lovely harmonies, the driving stomping beats are the same.
I would give a minus point for the cover, because they did much better in the past, but then the rating is still at 10 points for this record.

Till today Very Nice Dementia has a high quality output and every single record is highly recommended.
I still don't understand why the indie press ignore them, but I think this will change.

Anyway - buy all Sudden and Subtle releases - they are wonderful!
Perfect summer tunes!

PS: If you live in Europe you can order the record here over DFBM


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