Moongazing Hare - Weather Charms

Music by David Folkmann Drost. Cover photograph by Adriana Bogdan.

Is it pretentious to say that these tracks are attempts at making a type of mental field recordings? I see them as momentary sections of a changing inner landscape.

Incidentally, Jared Diamond writes: "(...)neither life nor history is an enterprise for those who seek simplicity or consistency."

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Moongazing Hare
Weather Charms

Moongazing Hare - Weather Charms

posted by dfbm | Write a Comment

Genre: Psych Folk
Label: self

Psych Folk from Denmark. Sounds like lost souls stray through the forest. Circling harmonica melodies, background noises, field recordings.
Last track is a classic folk song sounding vocal piece.
Some more albums at low price on his bandcamp. They all are really worth to check out.
If you like stuff like Fursaxa or early Jewelled Antler Collective, this is for you.
Is it pretentious to say that these tracks are attempts at making a type of mental field recordings? I see them as momentary sections of a changing inner landscape.


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