Liam the Younger - 2010 - Revel Hidden Worlds

Liam the Younger
2010 - Revel Hidden Worlds

Liam the Younger - 2010 - Revel Hidden Worlds

posted by dfbm | Write a Comment

Genre: LoFi-Indie-Folk-Rock
Label: self release

Yesss, again over a month too late, I discovered a new album by Liam the Younger. The video posted before showed a slightly new direction, more rock, less acoustic folk of his previous recordings (which are very good, free and awesome). And now here is it, his new album... on vinyl - for you to buy! And because he's a kid of today, he know good music on vinyl is valuable and good music as mp3 should be free. So download his new album directly from his site and then send him $13 for good old vinyl with nice prints and inserts.
Ode is a "yearning for more" sounding track and Bob Dylan is a rattling punk number; awesome tracks to check out.

download - buy vinyl record - buy tape edition - mySpace


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