The Vévé Seashore - A Cup of Coffee for Your Fears EP

recorded between 2007 - 2011

Elroy Oversex - words and tunes
Lord Fuck - non-words and detuning

"Ten Cherry Dream" was composed on Edgar Froese’s stach
All other tracks are stolen. Just new words and new melodies were added.

After their debut "Seven Years of Gulliver" they stitched together this EP full of quirky psych pop trips. Hymns for the forlorn, who wake up with ghosts and try to get them out with cups of coffee.

Released by Dying For Bad Music

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The Vévé Seashore
A Cup of Coffee for Your Fears EP

The Vévé Seashore - A Cup of Coffee for Your Fears EP

posted by dfbm | Write a Comment

Genre: Surreal Psychedelic Folk
Label: Dying For Bad Music

So here is another digital release from DFBM. After the "Seven Years of Gulliver", a strange journey through wooden guitar strumming and campfire folk on helium, they isolate their hit "A Cup of Coffee for Your Fears" (a hymn for the lonely hearts club) and throw some additional songs into the folder. The result is an even stranger but consistent listenable EP.
Ten Cherry Dream is a monotone bubbling and grooving piece of acid and The Forest and the Avalance some great distorted folky piece of crap.
Check it out and share it with your friends, if you have some.

Download free from DFBM site, bandcamp and FreeMusicArchive


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