Victor Florence ~ Blackout
The last thing I posted by Victor Florence was "I'm so happy you found me" - this release vanished from his bandcamp and was replaced with borderline and followed by blackout.
If he's not in some confusing love related things, then I don't know. Florence, lately started to record some really harsh noise stuff, paired with bitter lyrics.
Blackout is a mix of his early acoustic only songs and his experimentation with recording techniques and styles.
It's starts with a dark and minimal, Leonard Cohen like piece that gets shredded by a distorted trip to Graceland on track 2. From then on, it stays quiet and diverse. An almost acapella piece, a grainy ambiet ballade and with Objects a really neat plain guitar and voice song, that shows how he matured in playing the guitar.
Whatever Florence goes through, compensating it with music led always to big things (and dead stars).
Just stay sane and focused!
It could be, that this release will disappear sooner or later... so better get it now.
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