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Lac La Belle

I stumbled upon this country/old time folk goodie while searching for Nick Schillace's music. He is an amazinge fingerstyle guitar player (Fahey & Co, I know comparing every versatile steelstring picker to Fahey is a bit lame, but you'll get the picture, right?) and he is part of Lac La Belle.
Lac La Belle is an acoustic duo from Detroit, Michigan that juxtaposes the early decades of recorded rural American music with decaying Rustbelt aesthetic. A tradition is re-imagined- or maybe just resumed- in the ‘future-rustic’ swirl of accordion, mandolin, banjo, ukulele, and resonator guitar. The instrumentation echos another era, but is employed for a music of now.
So enjoy this little free EP and head over to CDBaby to buy their music. And check out Nick Schillace Solowork and his Master Thesis about Fahey and American Primitivism
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