2010 - Go-Unreleased Songs

Genre: ambient, post-rock without the post and the rock
Label: self-compiled
huh…probably you know this icelandic band… it´s called Sigur Rós and seems to be quite famous..they kind of created or better had an effect on this genre called post-rock. and they make some of the most beautiful songs i´ve ever heard in my life.
and they´ve got this singer with his outstanding voice.
he also does solo work. he seems to be as famous that he can tour all over the world. incredible.
and he made this album called "go".
and he played it live. a lot of times.
and there are also songs which are not on this album.
and there is this blog called victory rose. his writer collected these songs. they have been mixed too. so you and me and all the other people can hear it. thank you.
it also contains this wonderful coverversion of mgmt´s time to pretend, which is as good (or even better because different) than the original.
hope you enjoy as well as i did.
(i hope this still goes under the tag of free music)
TRY (new link if someone had troubles with downloading)
Label: self-compiled
huh…probably you know this icelandic band… it´s called Sigur Rós and seems to be quite famous..they kind of created or better had an effect on this genre called post-rock. and they make some of the most beautiful songs i´ve ever heard in my life.
and they´ve got this singer with his outstanding voice.
he also does solo work. he seems to be as famous that he can tour all over the world. incredible.
and he made this album called "go".
and he played it live. a lot of times.
and there are also songs which are not on this album.
and there is this blog called victory rose. his writer collected these songs. they have been mixed too. so you and me and all the other people can hear it. thank you.
it also contains this wonderful coverversion of mgmt´s time to pretend, which is as good (or even better because different) than the original.
hope you enjoy as well as i did.
(i hope this still goes under the tag of free music)
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