Antiform - 1995 - Bhavana (Tape)

1995 - Bhavana (Tape)

Antiform - 1995 - Bhavana (Tape)

posted by dfbm | Write a Comment

Genre: Psychedelic, Experimental
Label: Xcreteria (CAN)
If you like Rapoon, Zoviet France and Dronæment :P

This is one of my favorite tapes from my former industrial/ambient days.
It's the predecessor of Orphx which is more heavier, technoid industrial. But this tape is a wonderful trippy psychedelic piece. Loopy pulsating soundscapes with chants, and eastern music like instrument samples.
Open Naked Eye, Totem and Clear Light are absolutly gorgeous. The other tracks are way too long and a bit darker.
Rare Tape!

Get it!


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