- Early Suburban Terrorism
- View West From the Rocky Mountain Foothills, Quentin's Ranch, Southern Alberta, Mid March
- The Trouble With Tree Time
- Riverbed Gambol
- Dry Leaf Into The Sea
- Softline Suspenders
- Queequeg in His Coffin
- Crickets to Kendra
- From a Faerie's Funeral
- Sinking Cities and Swamp Pirate Solitaire
- Night Pyres
- Hitchhiker's Hymn
- Ragman on the Front Porch
All songs by Alex Archibald
Alex Archibald: acoustic steel string guitar, five string open back banjo
Recorded over three sessions, October and November 2014
Recorded, mixed and engineered by the incomparable Caleb Neilson at Nimbus School of Recording sound studios, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Mastered by Brock McFarlane
"View West..." and "The Trouble With Tree Time" recorded directly to tape! All other songs "marinaded" on tape for continuity.
Artwork: Woodcut by Paula Galarza Diez
I met Paula and her partner Chaplin travelling through Guatemala and comissioned this piece (the cover). I really love it and think she did a brilliant job! A couple of talented and friendly folks travelling through the americas. Check out their artwork.
Songs written in the woods of Alberta, the suburbs and cities of BC and the jungles of Central America...
This one's for Greg Archibald and Chris Lawrence, those little skeleton kids...
It's also for Kate Archibald, and for my Mom, and for Laura Rayner.
North Country Primitive review here: http://www.northcountryprimitive.com/reviews/alex-archibald-early-suburban-terrorism
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Alex Archibald
Early Suburban Terrorism

Alex Archibald is another master of fingerstyle guitar solis inspired by Fahey's american primitive style. His playing is strong and melodic. He keeps the pieces on "Early Suburban Terrorism" short and on point. Between strong steel string guitar numbers, Archibald planted a few rural banjo tunes.
If you are into Glenn Jones, Jack Rose or acoustic guitar soli in general, grab this album. It might not add anything new to the genre, but it's great to hear musicians who master this kind of guitar playing and who are on their way to find their own signature sound.
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