Daniel Bachman ~ Orange Co. Serenade

The busiest guitar slinger in business right now is Daniel Bachman and after he got picked up by Tompkin Square Records he shot himself into your dad's favorite radio station (yes, WFMU, but I mean NPR) and several times around the world (if world means Orient and Occident and North-America back and forth). The hours of playing didn't leave him without any effects. He's back and he's better than ever. His playing is much more sophisticated and he's able to express more through dynamics and changes in pace.
If you follow Bachman's main releases starting as Sacred Harp back in 2009/10, he always chose from a selection of different styles that range from traditional Folk tunes to more exerimental approaches. It was always a surprise what the next song will be. This way he got around the problem to record a uniform solo guitar album where it's hard to remember passages after the first listen. Bachman's records make you at least remember and whistle the Folk tunes. Unfortunately this scheme isn't surprising anymore.
Orange Co. Serenade is basically a matured Seven Pines with some grains of Jesus I'm a Sinner and personally I wished he would explore more into one or another direction (like he did on Grey Black Green). On the other side, who wants to listen to 40 minutes of Ragas? Or Drones? Or Bluegrass? Well, I think it could be interesting with his knowledge about music and his skills.
Maybe he just needs time off the road and a focus on something else than the music business. And while I write that I remember him saying that he can't imagine to do this his whole life - because it's hard to stay on top - and it's hard on tour when everyone wants to party with you after the gig... every night... in another town (I just added that myself - he didn't say that, but I guess that how it goes and what ruins some people). And furthermore, he confirms that he will step back to take a break and focus on going back to college doing an undergrad in American studies. But Orange Co. Serenade won't be the last album for now. He's already recording a new one for Three Lobed Records scheduled for next year.
That being said, it's a great album!
You'll get a sense about the new album by the following videos, beautifully shot by Jesse Sheppard. Then head over to order the vinyl at Bathetic Records.
I think this is basically a version of Seven Pines. I love it, though. It’s intense.
Psychedelic Appalachia by Marcus Obst (me) Screenprint on LSD soaked cardboard.
If you wonder about the artwork he used, that comes from Eastern Europe and is called Wycinanki. It's basically the art of papercutting.
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