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2011 uztaila eta 2012ko otsaila bitartean grabatua; Beran, Gasteizen eta Bartzelonan.
Gitarrak, banjoak, perkusioak eta grabazioak: Joseba B. Lenoir.
Grabado entre julio de 2011 y febrero de 2012, en Bera, Gasteiz y Barcelona.
Guitarras, banjos, percusiones y grabacones: Joseba B. Lenoir.
Recorded at home -Bera, Gasteiz and Barcelona-, july 2011-february 2012
Guitars, banjos, percussion and recordings: Joseba B. Lenoir.
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Joseba B. Lenoir
Instroak Vol. 1

So here is some american inspired guitar music from Spain. Pretty exciting album with different styles and moods. Sometimes sparse acoustic tracks on guitar or banjo then cinematic western themes, slide guitar, blues and all the shit.
Very enjoyable and distinctive tracks.
Joseba B. Lenoir is playing live with Daniel Bachman in Barcelona on October, 17th - if you are there, don't miss these two fantastic artists.
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