David Folkmann Drost - Music
Danny Kreutzfeldt - Mastering and correspondence
An album of scattered drones and time-released noise, published by the terrific net label drowning.cc
FREE DOWNLOAD HERE: http://www.drowning.cc/drown09-moongazing-hare-the-sunderland-wreck.html
Dying For Bad Music: http://dyingforbadmusic.com/blog/post/2012/03/moongazing-hare-the-sunderland-wreck.html
Warren Ellis: http://www.warrenellis.com/?p=13857
Recent Music Heroes: http://agier.blogspot.se/2012/10/moongazing-hare-sunderland-wreck-2012.html
Frimusik.net: http://www.frimusik.net/indlaeg/moongazing-hare/#.VM_v02h4o24
IndieRockMag: http://www.indierockmag.com/article20727.html
powered by bandcamp
Moongazing Hare
The Sunderland Wreck
send us a new album from his small Danish island. After the folkier Death in June cover album, he follows a more experimental approach and build up surreal soundcollages and esoteric drones. The 16 minutes centerpiece "Better All The Time" is a guitar piece which meander endlessly like a river, crossing strange surreal regions and places.
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