All songs written & performed by Sean Kelly.
Mixed, mastered and violined by Thomas Lambert.
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Seth Frightening
B.Hoo/The Prince and His Madness

Sonorous Circle
Seth Frightening are from New Zealand and it's not surprising that this is connected to the Glass Vaults (via small country/music scene/label). Seth Frightening plays eerie bedroom folk. And while the 2010 release The Princes and his Madness is a bit more light, airy and kind of a fantasy story, B.Hoo and the 2011 material is somehow more heavy-hearted and massive. It reminds me a bit on Mt. Moon and the Jakob Battick & Friends progression. It's also highly recommended for friends of Phil Elvrum/Microphones and early Mt. Eerie.
You can download all three releases for free from their bandcamp.
These tracks are totally ace: Can We Eat It (Truth) So We Know What To Say (Visions!), The Prince and His Voice Recorders (Part One), I'll Miss, Coming Clean., Even If I Die... (Classical)

- Can We Eat It (Truth) So We Know What To Say (Visions!)
- The Prince and His Voice Recorders (Part One)
- The Pictures and the Posers
- Selfisssh
- I'll Miss,
- Coming Clean.
- Even If I Die... (Classical)
- Thrill Don't Kill
- Loving
- The Prince and His Voice Recorders (Part Two)
- I Believe You (When You Say You'll Stay The Same)
- A Voice Recorded Message (Shooting-Stars)
All music written, performed and recorded by Sean Kelly with drum support from Eamonn Logan. Cover art by Alexander Mitcalfe Wilson. Mastered by Thomas Arbor
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