Eat Your Birthday Cake - Enemies

1. Introduction

Matthew Jakielaszek: guitar
Robert Rouse: percussion
Marc Neibauer: voice, keyboard, double bass

2. Poor Young Werther

Bill Storck: guitar, solo
Robert Rouse: drums
Marc Neibauer: voice, keyboard

3. Kathy + Ken

Robot: drums
Marc Neibauer: voice, keyboards

4. At The Movies

Bill Storck: guitar, solo, voice
Robert Rouse: drums
Marc Neibauer: voice, electric bass, keyboard

5. Rock Stars

Bill Storck: guitar, solo
Robert Rouse: drums
Marc Neibauer: voice, keyboard

6. Wait For It

Robot: drums
Marc Neibauer: voice, keyboard, electric bass, fake guitar

7. You With That Short Hair

Bill Storck: guitar
Robert Rouse: drums
Marc Neibauer: voice, electric bass, keyboard

8. Indie Rocker

Bill Storck: arrangement, guitar, voice
Robert Rouse: drums
Marc Neibauer: voice, electric bass, keyboards

Produced and Engineered by Marc Neibauer (August 2008-Janurary 2011).
Mastered by Richard Morris at Asbury Media.
Artwork by and Graphic Design by Matthew Silverman.

All songs written by Marc Neibauer; except “Indie Rocker”, written by Marc Neibauer and Bill Storck. Copyright, 2011.

All artwork contained in this release was either directly or indirectly derived from a painting that Matt Silverman removed from an Abington Senior High School art room trash can.

Eat Your Birthday Cake would like to thank their family and friends for all of their support.

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Eat Your Birthday Cake

Eat Your Birthday Cake - Enemies

posted by dfbm | Write a Comment

Genre: Indie Pop
Label: self

Eat Your Birthday Cake is the brain child of two studied jazz musicans. But before you stop reading (because jazz is no music to fuck to) - this is great indie pop music. Vocals reminds me a bit on Casiotone for the Painfully Alone and music has some Pavement references.
Well thought out music from Philadelphia.
It's hard to write great pop songs, but they are able to do that - for real.

Poor Young Werther is kind of a seventies space disco shoegaze track, with such a nice driving beat.
Rockstars it's pretty good and cynic and Indie Rocker is a nice... indie rocking ass kicking closing track.
Highly Recommended! (As everything here, eh!)

[mp3] Eat Your Birthday Cake - Poor Young Werther

free download at bandcamp dudes and dudettes



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