Alpha Couple
2010 - Edna Pontellier

Genre: Psychedelic, Chamber Folk
Label: self
The Alpha Couple from Canada released a free digital single and this is a good example how to enrich the experience of releasing digital music. It's not only to throw a bunch of mp3 in a zip, it's more. They provide a kind of personal photostory on their webpage you have to scroll through to find the release. And maybe this should prepare you for the music.
The pictures are moments from the couple, sad and happy moments, early in the morning and late at night. Washed out, blurry pictures, portraits etc. the stuff you may know from flickr.
The music is in the same vein. The first track is a weird piece with a whimsical singing voice - acoustic guitar and later some background noises. The second track is a nice quiet ambientversion of Mountain Goats "No Children".
The release stands out due the whole conception. Check it out.
No Children by Alpha Couple
Edna Pontellier by Alpha Couple
Home: http://imtrying.net/alpha-couple/
Myspace: http://myspace.com/alphacoupleband
Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/tag:alphacouple
Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/alpha-couple
Label: self
The Alpha Couple from Canada released a free digital single and this is a good example how to enrich the experience of releasing digital music. It's not only to throw a bunch of mp3 in a zip, it's more. They provide a kind of personal photostory on their webpage you have to scroll through to find the release. And maybe this should prepare you for the music.
The pictures are moments from the couple, sad and happy moments, early in the morning and late at night. Washed out, blurry pictures, portraits etc. the stuff you may know from flickr.
The music is in the same vein. The first track is a weird piece with a whimsical singing voice - acoustic guitar and later some background noises. The second track is a nice quiet ambientversion of Mountain Goats "No Children".
The release stands out due the whole conception. Check it out.
No Children by Alpha Couple
Edna Pontellier by Alpha Couple
Home: http://imtrying.net/alpha-couple/
Myspace: http://myspace.com/alphacoupleband
Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/tag:alphacouple
Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/alpha-couple
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