Slothbear - 2010 - Qids, Fuck Explorer - 2010 - Fuck Explorer (EP)

2010 - Qids, Fuck Explorer - 2010 - Fuck Explorer (EP)

Slothbear - 2010 - Qids, Fuck Explorer - 2010 - Fuck Explorer (EP)

posted by a. | Write a Comment

Genre: Indie, Experimental, Noise Pop
Label: Rack and Ruin Records

Once again…I don´t know why I didn´t post this earlier as it is available since May 2010 and we also featured Slothbear here on the blog. After an EP, a Single and some songs on compilations they finally released their debut full-length with some great catchy noisepop songs. I mean hey, they´ve got Pavement among others under their "similar artists" on, if that´s not worth it, what else? ;-)


They also got another project worth discovering: Fuck Explorer. Some cool indie experimental lo-fo noise stuff with a possible Animal Collective reference.
4 songs under 3 minutes on their selftitled EP available here.


both 8/10

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