Written, performed and recorded in Nordreisa, North Norway by Vincent Stephen, except:
Annabel Lee: Words by Edgar Allan Poe
The Gallows: Words by Edward Thomas
Mastering and drum recording by William Kenny
Artwork by Marthe Fjellestad
Contact v.t.stephen[at]gmail.com
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Vince Stephen
Where No Birds Sing

So this Englishman, now living in northern Norway, was sending me his album with mentioning the genre "Dark Folk" and I was expecting some semi-mystical goth stuff, but luckily it wasn't like that. In fact, it's a really enjoyable, relaxed album built around Vince's effortless singing voice and acoustic guitar.. Sometimes there is a keyboard or like in Stranger a fuzzy bass line or even a full band arrangement with drums as in All This Time.
But it's never really dark. Maybe as dark as an Edgar Allen Poe poem, compared to Lovecraft's Chtulu myth.
This album doesn't get boring, because it's so different with each song and it change moods like the light is changing the landscape in Norway. Also it's powerful and raw like the nordic landscape.
Another good thing of this album, at least for me, is his story to move to Norway (see link after the photos). I think this album is a perfect soundtrack to his stories (he is a pretty good writer) and should entertain you for a while or maybe inspire you.
So this is highly recommended!
Photo's taken from Vince Stephen's Norway Blog
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