Dariush Dolat
Shahi - 1985 - Electronic Music, Tar and Sehtar

Genre: Avantgarde, Electronic, Folk
You are into Psych Folk, Electronic music and stuff? Well it may be wrong to classify this music as Psych Folk, because the intention of this Iranian-American Composer is another than taking LSD and play stoned jams in the woods. But if you leave the background behind and just listen to the music, it's easy compareble to the mentioned genres.
This is a mixture of persian lute tunes (Tar), some electronic pulses and sequencing and nice field recordings of birds and water and weather.
The electronic parts sounds sometimes a bit like early electronic stuff - like Bruce Haack or similar.
Check out Sama and Razm. Great music at all and really an interesting mixture.
Thanks to the great UbuWeb it's free to download (including an interview from 2005)
You are into Psych Folk, Electronic music and stuff? Well it may be wrong to classify this music as Psych Folk, because the intention of this Iranian-American Composer is another than taking LSD and play stoned jams in the woods. But if you leave the background behind and just listen to the music, it's easy compareble to the mentioned genres.
This is a mixture of persian lute tunes (Tar), some electronic pulses and sequencing and nice field recordings of birds and water and weather.
The electronic parts sounds sometimes a bit like early electronic stuff - like Bruce Haack or similar.
Check out Sama and Razm. Great music at all and really an interesting mixture.
Thanks to the great UbuWeb it's free to download (including an interview from 2005)
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